Tuesday, August 26, 2008

eFunds Placement Papers

efunds Sample Test Paper

Elimination Round

40 qus, Time;-40min

20 quant , T 20 English;-


1)- x/y=3, x-a/y-b=3,a/b=

2)- date problem (2)

not exact but if thureday (5)1947 then

what day will be

the of 1999=(2question)

3)- deer is chaned by time the speed is given i both and disrence of

200 m is given than how time will deer run before bring cought.

4)- truck going fore one plaee to one there 18 blocks whit distance of 1 mile between

3 blocks. what is the speed of truck if it teken 9 min.

5)- what is the parssing percentage of non(. )cheek the ans is.


6)- A person is to finish his work on wed 95th sepetember but he will by 48 days on.

which day he complete the work.

7)- probatrisiy. two out herant dier are rulled. what are one the chenese of getting some digit.


8)- A,B two truck. distanes between to point is given.if A gets 48m start then he reached 1/10the sec

elso if B gets starts then reached .

so find the speed of (A or B).

9)- temperelieer 8. first four day avg given last four avg aveirge given. then find the temp of the 4th


10)- maker a century in 11th month this avereg in oreases by 5%. what was averese of last 10 month and

what is the averes (11th)month.

11)- 1, 2, 6, 24, 120-------(720).

12)- one sereis 15, 12, 13, 10, 11, 8---------------------


13)- A+B+C=45,


B+C=43, (find the veelu of B.).

14)- Bes relatid Q A R F type regose then he doennot go.

(option 3).

2end part;-


study the antonyms & synonyms for there words;-

1)- enervate

2)- pragmatice

3)- phlagmatic

4)- insipidness

5)- exceprt; noval;; nomalies.

6)- question for paliament ans(excption to it).

7)- dogmatic

8)- anomaly ans (deviation from rules).

9)- two related words. ans(redundancy).

10)- premonitoin->it is the answer;

11)-do the subject and predicati;

12)- opaque;; light->(anomaly);

3rd part;-

techincal question;-

only for qualified student;-

25Q;----------------------------->15 min;

1)-what is link or c?

2)- which company invented transistor for (options)


3)-what is the value returen by printf on error always.

ans;- -ve;

4)-Nortel is associted which?

5)- cylomatic complesilty-----------

ans;- white ,box ,testing;

6)- water fall model ;- ans;- a

7)- alpha and beta-------------- testing;

8)- c--- prog; ans;- b;

9)- default part of UDP.

10)- how to acess remote login?


11)- two question besed on RAM .

(It's composetion);

12)- what is the thing used in laptop but not in persanal computer. aphtoin;- paraelel, USB,IEEE,102.3;

13)- which I.P adderss in

invealide.(142;,7;,192;,11) this is not the ans but the patteren ;

14)- aouble to float conversin;

what is called; ans;- casting;

15)- what is truncation?

16)- what is not true regarding AVL frees.


1)- strers on area of interset;-

2)- write"C",code;

linked , list;

fibonacci, series;

SQL Questions

staek prog;


there may be some error in ques...........

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